Assalaamu Aleikum,
The attached is a clip of someone in his final moments. Please see the clip before reading on.........
The man seemed to have been blessed because he died in Allah's house and in His service. As he was a Muslim, may Allah bless him with His forgiveness, mercyand grant him paradise along with us and all other Muslims.
Did the man think that he would not return home alive that day/nightwhen he left home? Did he think that he would not finish his sermon when he started?Did he think that he would not finish his sentence when he starteduttering the last one?He seemed very fine and all of a sudden it started to happen! Allah made this man's last moments to be captured so that we can wake up and value the time we have, and more importantly to prepare for our own final moments that will come unannounced.
As we are in the month of Ramadhan, we should ask ourselves: Will we live to witness the next Ramadhan? Will we live to witness the end of this Ramadhan?Will we live to do what we keep postponing to do for our aakhera?
May Allah give us the determination to demonstrate to Him, with all the blessings given to us by Him, that we are worthy of His mercy before our turn comes to meet Him.May Allah accept what you are investing for your hereafter.
May Allah encourage you to invest even more and in a smarter way for your hereafter.May Allah multiply manifold the rewards of the investments for yourhereafter.May Allah unite us with His forgiveness, mercy and best of paradise inthe hereafter.
wallahu 'alam....
from an email forwarded to me a few yrs ago....